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3-Never Use local power Banks or fake chargers ,these power banks charge your mobile very fast no doubt but they also damage your battery life very fast so next time when you going to buy charger or power bank buy only branded items.

4-One more important Thing which must be remember do’t use your phone while charging it means if you plug the charger in power slot then avoid to use phone.If you use phone at same time when it is charging then it damage power life of batteries.
5-When Phone is charging do’t play heavy or graphics games.It should also be avoidedas it causes damage to the phone and the battery temperature increases.Expertsbelieve that the ideal temperature for the phone to charge 20 to 30 degreesCelsius.
6-–According To experts it is not necessary To charge your mobile 100 % every time or Only charge when your Battery is 0 % . Charge it right time according to your need and one more thing keep the phone charging and going to sleep is also reduce battery life so avoid it.
7-Last But Important Things some peoples use their phone until it does not reach critical level so avoid such habit, Put your phone on the charging before it comes to 10 percent.