Hello Friends, We are back with new cool Facebook tricks. Today I am going to share a trick to Auto Inbox message to your Facebook friends
Friends if you want to share this script in your blog then please credit our blog because some blogger copy our script and don’t give credit. Please try to understand our hard work on this script, Thanks in Advance.
Ok, now I am going to share the script to send auto inbox to your all friends and others in Facebook. Follow my simple steps and make fun on your Facebook.
Steps to use Facebook Auto inbox message script
1) First Login your Facebook Account in Google Chrome.
2) Press CTRL+SHIF+J in Google Chrome for Firefox press CTRL+SHIF+K.
3) Now you are in console section on Google chrome browser.
4) Copy below script and paste it in console section.
5) Now just press Enter and a popup box will appear on your screen.
6) Write your message on popup box and click on post.
7) Now, just wait until it finish.
8) When it will finish you will be get notify on your browser.

I am sure you are enjoying all Facebook tricks on trickspedia. If you want to get more Facebook tricks and tips so please subscribe us and follow us on Facebook. Have a nice and tricky day